A “Younger Cushitic Speakers of Lower Nubia” Scenario for the Origination of Ancient Egyptian Auxiliary Verbs: A Consolidation of and Response to Feedback, with Further Speculations

This blogpost is part of an ongoing research project reanalyzing Ancient Egyptian for auxiliary verbs. It further expands on ideas presented at the Sixth Annual Missouri Egyptological Symposium (21 September 2024), and includes response to feedback on a previous blogpost . . . . As has been recently outlined, a reanalysis of Ancient Egyptian for auxiliary verbs (Mihalyfy 2024a; 2024c) could correspond to not only a creolid scenario (Mihalyfy 2024d), but also a prehistoric-into-historic scenario wherein Egyptian absorbed a large number of adult Cushitic speakers in Lower Egypt during early state formation and thus helped efface geographic distribution evidence for a Berber-Semitic-Cushitic node of Afroasiatic (Mihalyfy 2024e). Here are some further explanation and further thoughts, especially based on feedback to the most recent version of this thinking, and ultimately producing what might be termed a “younger Cushitic speakers of Lower Nubia” scenario as an alternat...